With tools for data capture and linking, data labeling, import/export of SHP files, polygon topology creation and analysis, and more, Carlson GIS is an awesome GIS “Swiss Army Knife” for the surveyor or engineer. See the Carlson GIS Improvement List tab below and be sure to check out our GIS Primer.
The Carlson line of software has 64-bit capabilities, is Windows 7 compatible, and works on AutoCAD® and comes with IntelliCAD built in.
Also included are hundreds of enhancements to basic AutoCAD commands. Part of the Carlson Civil Suite, Carlson GIS runs atop of regular AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map, Land Desktop or Civil 3D, as well as legacy versions, plus on IntelliCAD.
* Call us @ 866-USSURVEY for best pricing!
Recent Improvements:
Import GIS Data From SurvCE
- New command to create GIS data links in the drawing from attribute data collected by SurvCE
Export GIS Data To SurvCE
- New command to create SurvCE files for feature code library, GIS feature definitions and GIS attribute data from selected drawing entities with GIS data, Field-to-Finish and GIS definitions
Esri MSC
- Added option to create Esri feature coding in DWG for sewer networks, lot files, mining timing and surface mine reserves
Export DWG File with Esri MSC
- Creates DWG with Esri coding for selected features
Define GIS Features
- Redesigned version of Define Template Database
- Added geometry setting per feature including polyline or point type, layer, color, block and linetype
- Added attribute settings for whether attribute is editable in the field and whether to restrict input to list values
- Added new report functions for feature attributes and geometry
GIS Query
- Added method to create selection set of entities that match query
Attach Image To Entity
- Added support for multiple images per entity
Properties Converter
- Added filter for linetypes
Built from the Carlson product line, first introduced in 1994, Carlson GIS delivers a new level of powerful GIS automation, including the following features:
Standard Features
Built on AutoCAD
Runs in AutoCAD legacy versions as well as AutoCAD Map, Land Desktop and Civil3D and on IntelliCAD
Project Setup
Flexible data storage methods
Drawing Cleanup
Fix common drafting errors
Drafting Enhancements
Handy tools for working in AutoCAD such as Join Nearest, Shrinkwrap Entities, Polyline Utilities, Drawing Inspector, Layer Inspector and Twist Screen
Data Compatibility
Supports industry standard LandXML and scores of specific data conversions
Runs with AutoCAD Map 3D
All Map tools are available when running with AutoCAD Map plus additional commands to use Map data such as Label Object Data Areas
Data Capture
Extracts drawing text or block attributes into database
Attach GIS Data to Entities
Input, edit, label, inspect and report with simple tools, including querying for parcels or entities that meet conditions
Polygon Processor
Overlays layered polyline perimeters to create all the subareas
Import/Export Esri
Conversions between Esri Shape data and coordinates and polylines
User-defined import and export of point data along with conversions with specific other formats
Draw Points
Draw points with settings for symbols, layers and styles
Point Groups
Point group manager to define sets of point by filters
Coordinate File History
Tracks all changes to points with report and undo functions
Fix Point Label Overlaps
Finds point label overlaps with rule options to fix automatically
Point Tools
Utilities for modify point labels such as move with leader, twist and resize
Companion Programs
Carlson SurvCE
Data collection for Windows CE and Pocket PC
Carlson Field
Take Carlson and AutoCAD to the field for data collection and stakeout with total stations and GPS
Carlson Takeoff
Construction Estimating for earthworks, subgrades, material quantities, strata quantities and trench networks
Carlson Point Clouds
Process laser scan data to generate models, breaklines and points
Carlson Natural Regrade
Design stable land surfaces that follow natural hydrologic and geomorphology principles
Carlson Geology
Models drillholes and strata structures and attributes